Our Services



Lawn aeration also breaks up compacted soil, allowing water and fertilizer to permeate into the root zone. Grassy areas submitted to constant foot traffic (or, worse, car traffic) require lawn aeration more frequently than do out-of-the-way areas. We suggest that you aerate at least every other year.



We can deliver mulch in any color or we can install it for you. Price varies with different types of mulch.


We have a variety of seeding services, from simple spot seeding to full yard seeding with seed mat. This usually entails ground prep, seed cost, application of seed, and application of fertilizer. We will tailor a plan to fit your needs and budget.


Fall Cut Down

In the fall we can cut down plants like Hostas and Spirias to allow for new growth the following year. Priced hourly plus disposal.

Power Rake / Spring Cleanup

In the spring, we have 2 great options to get your yard ready for the growing season. First is the spring cleanup, it involves blowing leaves out from around the house and power raking the yard. The power rake alone only involves raking and sucking up the leaves that are already on the lawn.


Fall Cleanup

Leaves, leaves, leaves! We will collect all of your leaves and haul them away for you. Priced hourly plus disposal.


Other Services


Small Tree/Bush Trimming

If we can stay on the ground and trim it for you we will, this is billed on a hourly plus disposal charge.

Mowing and Trimming

This requires a season long commitment and the lawn will be mowed on our schedule.


This service includes edging and cleanup and is priced per foot.

Total Lawn Care Contract

Let us take care of everything on your lawn for the year. This includes mowing, applications, aeration, power rake, and fall cleanup.